Why every woman hustler should have some amazing shoes?
Is there anyone I have to convince about that?
Can be flat or high, plain or with pattern, black or white, but they all are our secret weapon. We all love amazing shoes, but do you realize how strongly they can influence your well-being, self-esteem, your relationships or even your life?
They give self-confidence
When I put on my favorite shoes, I feel like a princess. Or like Dorothy from ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Wearing them I feel confident as I know I look good and it makes me feel special. In fact, I’m still the same me, but this little psychological trick can change my attitude and the way I deal with challenges throughout the day. And some little help with facing difficulties can never be underestimated, right?

My shoes went for a walk and didn’t take me with them…
People notice you
When I was shooting with Sonam (@fashioneiress) in Rome, she was wearing the amazing shoes she just bought. And you know what? Many people noticed them too! They were commenting or just saying how much they liked them and somehow after a few seconds we were finding ourselves in the middle of a conversation! It’s a great thing, especially if you’re shy like me. Instead of having to start talking to people – let them do it first! Also, sometimes nice shoes can help break the ice during the first day at a work or at an important meeting.
You look sexy!
That is true especially with high heels. They make your legs look longer and slimmer, your body gets this nice shape and the guys immediately start turning around to look at you. Even if sometimes you can get a serious pain of feet, it’s worth it.

Korin from Yasalam fashion blog wearing Pura Lopez
You can express yourself!
Not everybody would wear read high-heels as well as not everybody would choose sneakers for their wedding. Choosing the shoes says a lot about you. You don’t have to wear a T-shirt with ‘I’m cool’ written on it, if your shoes shout it loud and clear.
They make you look higher
If in your dictionary cool shoes = high heels than this point has the literal meaning for you. Sounds like the obvious obviousness? For short girls this can be something extremely important. If you’re small and at the same time look very young, sometimes it’s difficult to gain some respect or make the impression as the serious woman (trust me, I know what I’m talking about). In such cases high heels really can help. Plus, being higher really helps if you’re trying to reach something from the top shelf. 😉
If you prefer flat shoes, this point is also for you, just in a more metaphorical way. Feeling confident, you put your head up and straighten your back = you seem higher. Magic!
You set yourself as a professional and fashionable woman
This can be very important in your professional life. We all know good first impression is everything. You can also manipulate your image a bit, depending on your job. For example, I shoot fashion, usually on location. I’d need comfortable shoes, but often I choose those a bit less comfortable, but a bit more nice. Why? This way I position myself in the eyes of my clients as a stylish woman who can understand their needs better than a guy in an old T-shirt and sneakers. It has nothing to do with the quality of the work – but can have a lot to do with finding the common language with your client.
You can express a lot even when the dress code is set
Before my graduation exam, I had a dilemma. I wanted to wear something nicer than just the elegant dress all Law students should use for their graduation. I never really belonged to the legal world, but the dress code was set. Eventually, I found the solution. Maybe I didn’t wear red shoes like I wanted, but I found some very elegant ones with flowers and a bit of color. My shoes were definitely unique in the room. And you know what? Everybody loved them! You can do the same. Even if you go to a party with a set dress code, shoes are such a flexible part of your look that you can express yourself this way.
Good shoes can make the look
When you don’t feel like or don’t have time to think too much about your look, amazing shoes can save you. A pair of jeans, a simple shirt and a pair of nice shoes and you are the glam of a glam.
They make you happy!
In the end, that’s the most important thing, right?

Korin from Yasalam fashion blog wearing Pura Lopez